Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ha! Foiled Again, Zombies

If your company or institution's fingerprint scanner security system keeps being broached by zombies or thieves using the amputated digits from dead guys (just like in the movies), you can rest assured that help is on the way.  A small South Dakota university has developed technology that detects a pulse.  "Fingerprint technology isn't new, nor is the general concept of using biometrics as a way to pay for goods. But it's the extra layer of protection — that deeper check to ensure the finger has a pulse — that researchers say sets this technology apart from already-existing digital fingerprint scans, which are used mostly for criminal background checks." 

I had no idea that the walking dead could circumvent retail payment systems.  But then again it never came up before.  Regardless, I figure if you're selling fancy, expensive stuff, you would know ALL your customers especially regular ones who like to pay by fingerprint.  And if you work on really top secret, sensitive projects, don't you think you should have security that's a lot more sophisticated than fingerprint scanners?  Most security systems can be cracked and fingerprint scanners are a step above asking for photo ID... so I've been told. 

Anyway, find the whole, thoroughly researched story here.

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