Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Meh-llennials

 Not quite the mindless Social Media lemmings we were led to believe

Those darn kids.  Just when you think you've got them figured out, they go and do this.  A survey from Redshift Research in the UK has uncovered some interesting facts about the Millennials that counter what the experts say (not again!).  Here's what its infographic reveals:

Myth: Millennials spend their lives on Social Media
Fact:  Only 41% spend 3+ hours a week on Facebook and 29% spend 3+ hours per week on YouTube.
• 15% spend more than 3+ hours/week on Twitter. 43% don't use twitter

Myth: Millennials are all about smartphones and tablets, not yesterday's laptop/desktops
Fact:  65% spend more time accessing the Internet from a laptop or desktop than from their smartphone or tablet

Myth: Millennials spend most of their time chatting on Social Media and texting
Fact:  On average, they spend 108 hours/year browsing the Web for work and study—about as much time as they spend texting.
• They spend 77 hours/year reading news online, more than the 71+ hours/year spent on Twitter and 36 hours/year looking at celebrity gossip

Myth:  Millennials are obsessed with gaming and have no time for books
Fact:  61% of females are more likely to spend time reading books (26% list gaming as a hobby).
• 37% of males viewing reading as a popular pastime while 51% list gaming as a hobby

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