Monday, April 29, 2013

Beers for Fears

Paul Riss kindly passed along a link in response to my post about epilepsy-inducing beer bottles.  It is about the Buddy Cup, an invention from Budweiser Brazil than connects people via Facebook whenever they clink their Buddy Cups together.  You clink, you link. To convince you just how cool the Buddy Cup is the video shows lots of good looking Brazilian women and men enjoying themselves supposedly because they drink Bud.  I suspect, however, they are actually professional models and are blasted on some sort of pharmaceutical. 

It only took a few minutes after watching the video to see a couple of drawbacks.  For example, imagine the ladies get up from their table and flock off to the washroom to do whatever ladies do in groups in washrooms.  While they are gone a guy across the bar who has been eyeing them for a couple of hours approaches their now vacant table.  Guys like this:

Mr. Right

As he passes their table he clinks their glasses with his and BOOM!, they're friends!  Yea!!  Now he knows who they are, who their friends are, and has access to lots and lots of photos.  Just imagine what he has on his Facebook page.

And knowing what happens to guys who spend all night in the bar wearing beer goggles, chances are you may end up becoming friends with some of the really swell women who now post on your page about all the fun you two had the night before.

The Ladies!

I'm sure the inventors had every good intention when they came up with this, BUT, I don't think enabling stalkers to prey on drunk women is what it had in mind.  Then again, Bud does funny things to a man when he's had more than his fill.

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