Social Media, ca. 30,000 BCE
European Lion Safari
Come on, come on down, you’ve got it in you
Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes
Sweet Virgina,
(Articles by Andrew Ehrenberg, Byron Sharp's book
How Brands Grow, and two posts by Wieden + Kennedy
Amsterdam’s Head Planner Martin Weigle on his
Canalsideview blog, have changed
my way of thinking about brands and creative.
These explain and quantify decades of research into what works and
doesn’t work in advertising. These are
not marketing fads or hot trends, just science evaluating and recording human
behavior and how people view brands. This
research has, as Weigle says, “a very direct impact on the work. On how we
expect marketing communications to work. On the creative content of what we
produce. On our inputs into getting to that work. And how we measure and
evaluate its success.”)
In DM, we live and die by measurable results. Hundreds of books have been written about
it. Mathematical and statistical
techniques have been developed to determine it. And yet, despite this raison
d’etre, we continue to believe in “facts” that are only assumptions to create
our work. Facts without proof or are not
empirically verifiable, such as: Price
promotions boost overall sales (Not over the long term they don’t. In fact they can have the reverse effect and
can put enormous pressure on margins), Loyalty programmes are an effective way
to increase the number loyal customers (No, they are not, at least not to a
statistically significant degree. They
are, however, expensive to run and usually they reward customers for doing what
they would normally do. To be
profitable, these programmes must use and market their customer’s purchasing
behaviour data). Then, there’s the
biggest, most persistent and blindly accepted fact: to position a brand, it
needs a personality, preferably with a catchy single word description (like
friendly, engaging, tough or social) that creates a unique point of difference.
This all-important point of differentiation is neatly summed
up in a Unique Selling Proposition. And it is the USP that drives the creative
direction of the project. The problem is that the assumption is bullshit;
decades of research refute it. This isn’t
news to many creatives with efficient bullshit detectors—USPs are the most
frequent trigger of our BS alarms. We know in our gut that there is hardly any
difference between, for example, window cleaning brands or soaps or
computers. And if there is, it is almost
meaningless. But, we are expected to use
flimsy weak-ass USPs to come up with kick-ass persuasive creative.
There is no generalizable evidence of any lasting persuasive effects of
advertising—at least not to justify a global spend of billions Andrew
Ehrenberg, 2002
We apply our best techniques to describe the product’s
attributes to get Brand B users to change their attitudes and switch to Brand
A. Research is showing, though, that
loyal Brand B users are just as loyal to their brand as Brand A users are to
theirs. What’s more, their attitudes are
stable over time and no amount of persuasive advertising will shift it. Go figure.
(Listen to Mac and Windows users try to convince the other why their OS
is better. It usually ends with ad
hominems and questions of the other’s mental aptitude.)
An important study (Romaniuk and Ehrenberg, 2003) used 28
brand attributes Y&R developed years ago, and found that 9 out of 10 brand
buyers did not associate a particular personality to a brand. Other have shown
that when a group of consumers is interviewed again several weeks after the
original survey, only 40% to 60% of respondents repeated the same personality
attribute to the same brand—the remaining 50% associated it with another
brand. What does this tell us? Brand
personality attributes are fleeting; they represent only a moment in time.
There are also problems with how we view customers of a
brand and how we attract new ones. The
bulk of any brand’s sales come from light/occasional buyers—loyal diehard
customers are no more than 20%—and the Pareto Principle (80% of your sales
comes from 20% of your customers) is actually about 50/20. Loyal customers always buy the brand and,
whether it’s mayonnaise or laundry detergent, these customers don’t need, nor
can they use, any more. That leaves 50%
of total sales coming from 80% of your customer base, the light or occasional
buyers. They display no apparent brand
loyalty but have bought the product.
They question is why do they buy it occasionally.
Because we look at consumers and the buying process as
rational, we look for rational explanations for their actions. What researchers are starting to see, however,
is that buying behavior is anything but rational. They have found that, regardless of what a
person thinks about a particular brand, it has little effect on buying
behavior. When shopping, people do not
consider all the brands in a category; they choose the familiar or popular one,
usually within seconds, without ever thinking about it. It is spontaneous, not the result of
deliberation. And it is a decision that
appears to be based on brand salience.
We are bombarded with hundreds of ads every day, most of
which we ignore, tune out, or click past.
There are some, the salient ones, however, that we do notice—we may not
read or listen to them but we are aware of them. They aren’t the hard sell persuasive ads but
instead are those that re-enforce familiar memories or experiences of the brand
usually within seconds, through well-established brand assets: Coke = the swirl
and red, McDonald’s = yellow arches, Ford = blue oval, etc. Alan Hedges in his book,
Testing to Destruction, gives an analogy:
People can receive
and process vast masses of signals at any one moment. It would take several
pages of words to give even a brief outline of a small number of the more
important communications received and acted on by the driver of a car
approaching a busy junction, even within a few seconds. In fact, quite clearly
people can take in a vast amount of information, screen out what is irrelevant
for the purpose in hand, and process the remainder as a basis for action in a
very short space of time indeed. But very little of this information needs to
be consciously received or handled.
If the driver had to work out ab initio what each signal meant and what he
should do about it he would quickly become paralysed with information overload
and consequent indecision. This is incidentally one of the main problems facing
people first learning to drive when coming into heavy traffic. They have not
learnt to recognise broad patterns of signals and to habituate their responses
to them.
Brand salience is about getting the consumer think of a
brand—to make it an option in the future—not change what he or she feels about
it. It’s about ads akin to creative
publicity of a brand’s distinctiveness not its differentiation. It’s making ads that are memorable not
persuasive. Subtle not overwhelming—they
should communicate at a lower level of attention.
With science starting to explain the working of marketing,
many of the entrenched truths and facts are becoming indefensible. Only good comes from this. A refreshed approach to advertising based on
observations and reams of data will free creatives from rules that stifled
creativity and open creative avenues that had been closed off for
generations. Think of it as targeted
mass advertising.